NPM : 16210772


Koperasi merupakan lembaga dimana orang-orang yang memiliki
kepentingan relatif homogen berhimpun untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraannya. Konsepsi demikian mendudukkan koperasi sebagai badan usaha yang cukup strategis bagi anggotanya dalam mencapai tujuan-tujuan ekonomis yang pada gilirannya berdampak kepada masyarakat secara luas. Di sektor pertanian misalnya, peranserta koperasi di masa lalu cukup efektif untuk mendorong peningkatan produksi khususnya di subsektor pangan.
Di dalam negeri telah terjadi berbagai perubahan seiring dengan berlangsungnya era globalisasi dan liberalisasi ekonomi dan kondisi tersebut membawa konsekuensi serius dalam hal pengadaan bahan pangan. Secara konseptual liberalisasi ekonomi dengan menyerahkan kendali roda
perekonomian kepada mekanisme pasar ternyata dalam prakteknya belum tentu secara otomatis berpihak kepada komunitas ekonomi lemah atau kecil. Kondisi yang relatif identik berlangsung di sektor pangan dan diperkirakan karena belum tertatanya sistem produksi dan distribusi dalam mengantisipasi perubahan yang sudah terjadi. Semula peran Bulog sangat dominan dalam pengadaan pangan dan penyangga harga dasar, tetapi sekarang setelah tiadanya paket skim kredit pengadaan pangan melalui koperasi dan dihapuskannya skim kredit pupuk bersubsidi maka pengadaan pangan hampir sepenuhnya diserahkan kepada mekanisme pasar. Sebagai dampaknya, peran koperasi dalam pembangunan pertanian dan ketahanan pangan semakin tidak berarti lagi. Bahkan sulit dibantah apabila terdapat pengamat yang menyatakan bahwa pemerintah tidak lagi memiliki konsep dan program pembangunan koperasi yang secara jelas memposisikan koperasi dalam mendukung ketahanan pangan nasional.


Koperasi adalah merupakan singkatan dari kata ko (co) dan operasi (operation). Koperasi adalah suatu kumpulan orang-orang untuk bekerja sama demi kesejahteraan bersama.
Jenis-jenis koperasi yang ada di Indonesia :
1. Koperasi Desa
2. Koperasi Pertanian
3. Koperasi Peternakan
4. Koperasi Perikanan
5. Koperasi Kerajinan/Industri
6. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
7. Koperasi Konsumsi
Jenis Koperasi menurut Teori Klasik terdapat 3 jenis Koperasi :
1. Koperasi pemakaian
2. Koperasi penghasil atau Koperasi produksi
3. Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
Jenis Koperasi menurut bidang usahanya :
1. Koperasi Konsumsi
Koperasi yang menyediakan kebutuhan sehari-hari.Tujuannya agar anggota dapat membeli barang-barang konsumsi dengan kualitas yang baik dan harga yang layak.
2. Koperasi Kredit atau Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
Koperasi yang bergerak dalam lapangan usaha pembentukan modal melalui tabungan para anggota secara teratur & terus menerus untuk kemudian dipinjamkan kepada para anggota dengan cara mudah,murah,cepat dan tepat untuk tujuan roduktif dan kesejahteraan.

Tujuan :
- Agar anggota giat menyimpan sehingga membentuk modal sendiri
- Membantu keperluan kredit para anggota dengan syarat ringan
- Mendidik anggota hidup hemat dengan menyisihkan sebagian penghasilan

3. Koperasi Produksi
Koperasi yang bergerak dalam bidang kegiatan ekonomi pembuatan & penjualan barang-barang baik yang dilakukan oleh koperasi sebagai organisasi maupun anggota-anggota koperasi.
Macam-macam koperasi produksi :
- Kop produksi kaum buruh, anggotanya orang-orang yang tidak mempunyai perusahaan sendiri
- Kop produksi kaum produsen yang anggotanya adalah orang-orang yang masing-masing mempunyai perusahaan sendiri
4. Kopersi Jasa
Koperasi yang berusaha dibidang penyediaan jasa tertentu bagi para anggota atau masyarakat umum

5. Koperasi Serba Usaha atau Kop Unit Desa (KUD)
Mempunyai beberapa fungsi yaitu :
- Perkreditan
- Penyediaan & penyaluran sarana produksi pertanian & keperluan sehari-hari
- Pengelolaan serta pemasaran hasil pertanian.

Prinsip Koperasi
Di dalam Undang-Undang RI No. 25 Tahun 1992 tentang Perkoperasian disebutkan pada pasal 5 bahwa dalam pelaksanaannya, sebuah koperasi harus melaksanakan prinsip koperasi.
Berikut ini beberapa prinsip koperasi.
1) Keanggotaan koperasi bersifat sukarela dan terbuka.
2) Pengelolaan koperasi dilakukan secara demokratis.
3) Sisa hasil usaha (SHU) yang merupakan keuntungan dari usaha yang dilakukan oleh koperasi dibagi berdasarkan besarnya jasa masing-masing anggota.
4) Modal diberi balas jasa secara terbatas.
5) Koperasi bersifat mandiri.

A. Fungsi Koperasi secara umun :
1. Sebagai urat nadi kegiatan perekonomian indonesia
2. Sebagai upaya mendemokrasikan sosial ekonomi indonesia
3. Untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan warga negara indonesia
4. Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat indonesia dengan jalan pembinaan koperasi
B. Peran dan Tugas Koperasi secara umum :
1. Meningkatkan tarah hidup sederhana masyarakat indonesia
2. Mengembangkan demokrasi ekonomi di indonesia
3. Mewujudkan pendapatan masyarakat yang adil dan merata dengan cara menyatukan, membina, dan mengembangkan setiap potensi yang ada
C. Fungsi dan Peran Koperasi menurut UUD

Sebagaimana dikemukakan dalam pasal 4 UU No. 25 Tahun 1992, fungsi dan peran koperasi di Indonesia seperti berikut ini.
1) Membangun dan mengembangkan potensi serta kemampuan ekonomi anggota pada khususnya dan masyarakat pada umumnya untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial Potensi dan kemampuan ekonomi para anggota koperasi pada umumnya relatif kecil. Melalui koperasi, potensi dan kemampuan ekonomi yang kecil itu dihimpun sebagai satu kesatuan, sehingga dapat membentuk kekuatan yang lebih besar. Dengan demikian koperasi akan memiliki peluang yang lebih besar dalam meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi dan sosial masyarakat pada umumnya dan anggota koperasi pada khususnya.
2) Turut serta secara aktif dalam upaya meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia dan masyarakat Selain diharapkan untuk dapat meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi para anggotanya, koperasi juga diharapkan dapat memenuhi fungsinya sebagai wadah kerja sama ekonomi yang mampu meningkatkan kualitas kehidupan manusia dan masyarakat pada umumnya. Peningkatan kualitas kehidupan hanya bisa dicapai koperasi jika ia dapat mengembangkan kemampuannya dalam membangun dan meningkatkan kesejahteraan ekonomi anggota-anggotanya serta masyarakat disekitarnya.
3) Memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat sebagai dasar kekuatan dan ketahanan perekonomian nasional Koperasi adalah satu-satunya bentuk perusahaan yang dikelola secara demokratis. Berdasarkan sifat seperti itu maka koperasi diharapkan dapat memainkan peranannya dalam menggalang dan memperkokoh perekonomian rakyat. Oleh karena itu koperasi harus berusaha sekuat tenaga agar memiliki kinerja usaha yang tangguh dan efisien. Sebab hanya dengan cara itulah koperasi dapat menjadikan perekonomian rakyat sebagai dasar kekuatan dan ketahanan perekonomian nasional.
4) Berusaha untuk mewujudkan dan mengembangkan perekonomian nasional yang merupakan usaha bersama berdasarkan atas asas kekeluargaan dan demokrasi ekonomi Sebagai salah satu pelaku ekonomi dalam sistem perekonomian Indonesia, koperasi mempunyai tanggung jawab untuk mengembangkan perekonomian nasional bersama-sama dengan pelaku-pelaku ekonomi lainnya. Namun koperasi mempunyai sifat-sifat khusus yang berbeda dari sifat bentuk perusahaan lainnya, maka koperasi menempati kedudukan yang sangat penting dalam sistem perekonomian Indonesia. Dengan demikian koperasi harus mempunyai kesungguhan untuk memiliki usaha yang sehat dan tangguh, sehingga dengan cara tersebut koperasi dapat mengemban amanat dengan baik.

Manfaat Koperasi
 Manfaat Koperasi di Bidang Ekonomi
Berikut ini beberapa manfaat koperasi di bidang ekonomi :
a) Meningkatkan penghasilan anggota-anggotanya. Sisa hasil usaha yang diperoleh koperasi dibagikan kembali kepada para anggotanya sesuai dengan jasa dan aktivitasnya.
b) Menawarkan barang dan jasa dengan harga yang lebih murah. Barang dan jasa yang ditawarkan oleh koperasi lebih murah dari yang ditawarkan di toko-toko. Hal ini bertujuan agar barang dan jasa mampu dibeli para anggota koperasi yang kurang mampu.
c) Menumbuhkan motif berusaha yang berperikemanusiaan. Kegiatan koperasi tidak semata-mata mencari keuntungan tetapi melayani dengan baik keperluan anggotanya.
d) Menumbuhkan sikap jujur dan keterbukaan dalam pengelolaan koperasi. Setiap anggota berhak menjadi pengurus koperasi dan berhak mengetahui laporan keuangan koperasi.
e) Melatih masyarakat untuk menggunakan pendapatannya secara lebih efektif dan membiasakan untuk hidup hemat.

 Manfaat Koperasi di Bidang Sosial
Di bidang sosial, koperasi mempunyai beberapa manfaat berikut ini :
a) Mendorong terwujudnya kehidupan masyarakat damai dan tenteram.
b) Mendorong terwujudnya aturan yang manusiawi yang dibangun tidak di atas hubungan-hubungan kebendaan tetapi di atas rasa kekeluargaan.
c) Mendidik anggota-anggotanya untuk memiliki semangat kerja sama dan semangat kekeluargaan.

Koperasi adalah suatu usaha yang dibangun secara bersama-sama, untuk tujuan bersama. Atau disebut juga sebagai usaha bersama, karena usaha ini adalah wujud dari kerja sama suatu kelompok atau organisasi. Di Indonesia sendiri ada bermacam-macam jenis koperasi yaitu :
 Kopersi Desa
 Koperasi Pertanian
 Koperasi Peternakan
 Koperasi Perikanan
 Koperasi Kerajinan
 Koperasi Simpan Pinjam
 Koperasi Konsumsi

Semua jenis koperasi mempunyai masing-masing prinsip dan fungsi. Oleh karena itu masyarakat dapat memilih koperasi mana yang mereka perlukan sesuai dengan kebutuhan masing-masing. Koperasi inilah yang akan memperkokoh perekonomian masyarakat di Indonesia sehingga tercapai lah hasil yang maksimal.

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During this society can only know that radiation emitted from mobile phones or the nuclear center. But for people who smoke should also be cautious, because smoke may be emitted radiation.

Although up to now has not known for sure what the source of the compound of radiation exposure, but the smoker will inhale the radioactive material is continuously which in future will contribute to a large dose of radiation to damage the lungs.

Naturally radioactive minerals accumulate on the sticky surface of tobacco leaves when the plants grow, and this mineral will generally remain in the leaves during the manufacturing process.

In addition, the use of fertilizers that contain lead and polonium for tobacco crops will increase the amount of radiation that may exist in cigarette tobacco, as quoted by the, Tuesday (05/17/2011).
Cigarette smoke also contains elements of radiation from polonium which was the level of damage from cigarettes is 7 times larger than X-rays and 20-fold from cancer radiation therapy. Especially if the person has been smoking for a long time.

Radium that accumulate in tobacco can emit alpha and gamma radiation that can accumulate in the lungs of smokers for decades. Over time these particles can damage lungs and cause cancer. This also applies to passive smokers who inhale cigarette smoke.

Radiation outlined from these cigarettes generally do not have an impact in the near term, but will begin to show symptoms due to damage in the body after a few years later.

Besides cigarettes, a few other things can also emit radiation, such as scanners at airports, the X-ray beam to scan the body, mammogram or CT scan, but the radiation emitted generally small and not exposed continuously.

This is different from the radiation that comes from smoking and exposure to continuous and generally difficult to stop. This condition must also be considered by the smokers.

My response:
I strongly agree with the sentence smoking is dangerous. I think it's good we are more conscious of our health.
We recall the slogan "in a healthy body there is a healthy soul." In addition, we all already know how many diseases caused by smoking ...
if not of our own consciousness, when the earth can be free from cigarette smoke is very dangerous?
I think there are some efforts to reduce smoking: cigarette manufacturers could raise prices of cigarettes, because we see today with the price of cheap cigarettes, children can also consume cigarettes ..
The prohibition not to smoke in certain places with sanctions that actually exist ..
not just simply ban ..
Provides information about the dangers of smoking ..
Thus response from me. Thank you

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Love Story

It's about my love of travel, about me and him.
Can be regarded as forbidden love, because none of my family who approve of our relationship.
We continue to agree to a relationship.
I decided to continue my school out of town, despite having to leave him.
We did not choose to drop out, we agreed to long-distance love.
Within a few months of our relationship is still fine, but now it's over.
I can not here unaccompanied, as well as he can not do without women there.
Initially we agreed to keep memperthankan our relationship, we agreed that although there are others but in my heart there's only "you're a".
As a woman who has forced my feelings honestly with the true feelings that I can not undergo such a relationship.
Everything came to an end, though painful I remain proud because I can make a choice and a decision.
A few weeks later, my ex-boyfriend came to my house guest.
After walking lancer communication, not long after he invited me to courtship.
At first I refused, but he still insisted. Because I also accept pity as a boyfriend. Some weeks this relationship was fine, but I also saturated with the attitude he excessive.
He is a man who exaggerated the attention of women, I do not like the attitude like that.
Because they did not like her attitude, I was asked to drop out.
I was honest with him, if I do not like the attitude he's like that.
I'm sorry too, he's so good but I do not like that attitude.
Calling every day, sms all the time. Men like that guy too much ... ..
I hate him, though he was in love with me.
And I hate most of her attitude is an attitude that justifies any means.
Lying is also one of her attitude, I hate the man a liar.
Without thinking about her feelings, I asked him gone forever from my life.
At first he did not accept my decision, I gave the reason that I did not love him.
I say love is not biased to impose.
Finally he could not accept my decision.
I think with the drop he'll get rid of his love, but beyond expectations.
He was even more determined to prove he can change, I am puzzled by her attitude.
What should I do to get him to surrender.
I chose to remain silent, let him tell me selfish.
I'm selfish because there is a cause and purpose.
From now on, I think if it does not need a feeling of love but need a sly sense for who can win the romance.
I am now going out with a man who was once my ex-girlfriend. Hearing the news, he could not accept. He's always looking for trouble so I broke up with my boyfriend now. I remained silent, I think he will get bored with itself, and how long he can survive with her intentions.
Eventually he tired of all this, he Relax me with my chosen man, though he still remains not sincere. This is a little story I love ....

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Tgs B.Inggris

Fill in the blanks with the right form of causative have, and choose the right form of verb given in the brakets. (isilah dengan bentuk causative have yang benar, dan pilih salah satu bentuk verb yang benar yang diberikan di dalam kurung)

1. We had our treasury buy our new books yesterday. (buy / buys / bought / to buy)
2. She has her mom cook dinner for her. (cook / cooks / cooked / to cook )
3. He had his brother do his homework last night (do / does / did / done)
4. Tom is having Bill writing the report at the moment. (write / writes / writing / written)
5. Mike has Jenni save his data. (save / saving / saves / saved)
6. Bob has his packages delivered by the postman. ( deliver / delivers / delivered / delivery)
7. Eddy had his data changed by his secretary last week. (change / changes / changed / changing)
8. Marie is having her house painted by the workmen at the moment. ( paint / painting / painted / paints)
9. Jonny has his car parked by the parking man. (park / parks / parking / parked)
10. They are having their maid cleaning their room right now. (clean / cleaned / cleans / cleaning)

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Gunadarma Campus

Gunadarma kampuz dream qu,,
Aqu many things like from kampuz qu .. nech
one of them, akreditasnya've got 'A' ...
while also Gunadarma facilities are in like many students,,
among others, the Internet lounch can take advantage qt
libraries that safe, clean classrooms, not forgetting the gazebo where we are-we get together, many trees ....!!
if it does TOP lessons as well,, lecturers are always jamming suport students to keep the spirit of learning ..
quite sech,, first semester grades fairly Aqu ..
moreover, many are also seminars in kampuz qu ne,,
so we can obtain many certificates as well as additional lessons,,
His principal Gunadarma the best dech ,,,,!!!
Gunadarma also famous for its IT super-advanced super ..
therefore be ranked 4th in Indonesia,
Gunadarma also provide free wifi to all its students ..
always give the best for his students.
besides that, my friends in Gunadarma also sik-asik, always supporting each other ..!
emang hell is sometimes there are friends who nyebalin,, pe aza cool lah,,
It is the association,,,! pinter2 hang lah,,
Building kampuz Gunadarma too much, there are at depok, in Kalimalang, two coconut, Salemba .. pokonya top abis dech ...
In Gunadarma also offers many scholarships for students who excel n who can not afford, so gakda excuse to laze bwt bwt college ...
It was Gunadarma, always giving his best bwt student ...

kalo practical matter, Aqu gakda problem,
until now still asik2 aza ne,, kakak2 assistant also baeq2,,
Gunadarma security can also raise your thumb ..
His satpam2 baeq2 koq ...
His principal luph for GUNADARMA !!!!!!!
One of the most important expectation Aqu,, can pass from kampuz ne with good grades,,
scholarships can reply to S2,,,,
amen ...!!!!!!!!!!!!
GUNADARMA Luph U FULLLL .............!!!!!!!!

NPM: 16210772
Posted by at 20:42 syahnia Manurung
ListenRead phonetically

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Puisi LOVE

Poems About Love
This heart felt lonely without your breath of love
Life is lonely without your smile from
This self silent without your love life
My heart chamber did not go dark without direction

Why must all happen?
Why in the world terag when you're gone my heart
You leave the piece lies in the sense of

I was only able to embrace a sense of
Hugging the heart twilight dreams
Pursue a murky dawn of hope

au for I'm not sure to go
You give me a handful of injuries
Why light a fire rainbow
Good-bye love,,,
Happy happy over my wounds
Let us assemble a similar liver blood behind the curtain

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Sertifikat UG

He has participated in seminars on Campus D Gunadarma, UG University, for his personal " as a participant "
Organizid by University Gunadarma,
Campus Auditorium D, Depok Gunadarma University.
Saturday March 12, 2011
The event is supported by, EQUAL SWABUMI INSTITUTE

Instructor Coorddinator, Vice Rector IV
Gunadarma University

Imam Muhasan, Prof. Dr. Didin Mukodim

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Adverbial Clause

adverbial clause
Adverbial Clause is a Clause (clause) which functions as an adverb, which describes a verb.
Adverbial Clause usually classified based on "the meaning / intent" of the conjunction (conjunctive that preceded it).
The types of adverbial Clause include:
1. Clause of Time
Clause which shows the time. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as after, before, no sooner, while, axles, etc..
• Shut the door before you go out.
• You begin May Pls (ever) you are ready.
• While he was walking home, he saw an accident.
• By the time I arrive, she will from have left.
• No sooner she ENTERED Than Had he Gave an order.
2. Clause of Place
That show where clause. Usually made by using such conjunction Nowhere, nowhere, anywhere, Wherever, etc..
• They sat down Wherever They Could find empty seats
• The guard Stood Nowhere he was positioned.
• Where there is a will, there is a way.
• Where there is poverty, there We find discontent and unrest.
• Go Nowhere you like.
3. Clause of Contrast (or Concession)
Clause which shows the contradiction between the two incidents or events that are related. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) as although, though, even though, whereas, even if, in spite of, as the time, etc..
• As the time you were the resource persons sleeping, We Were working hard.
• Mary wanted to stop, whereas I wanted to go on.
• Although it is late, We'll stay a little longer.
• He is very friendly, even if he is a clever student.
4. Clause of Manner
Clause which shows the cars how a job is done or event occurs. Usually made by using conjunction (conjunctive) such as, how, like, in that, etc..
• He did as I toll uterus.
• You May finish it how you like.
• May They beat us again, like They did in 1978.
5. Clause of Purpose and Result
Clause which shows the relationship intent / objectives and outcomes. Usually made by using conjunctions such as (in order) that, so that, in the hope that, to the end that, lest, in case, etc..
• They Went to the movie early (in order) to find the best seats.
• She Bought a book so (that) Could she learn Bahasa
• He is saving his money so he he That May take a long vacation.
• I am working night and day in the Hope that I cans finish this book soon.
6. Clause of Cause and Effect
Clause which shows the relationship of cause and effect. There are several patterns to form this kind Clause. Take a good look.
• Ryan ran so fast That he broke the previous speed record.
• It was so cold yesterday That I Did not Want To swim.
• The Soup That Tastes so good will of everyone ask for more.
• The Student Had he behaved so badly That was dismissed from the class.
• The Smiths That Had so many children They formed Their own baseball team.
• i had job offers so Few That it wasn't Difficult to select one.
• He has invested so much money in the project That he can not abandon it now.
• The grass received so little water That it turned brown in the heat.
• It was a hot day Such That We decided to stay Indoors. OR It was so hot a day That We decided to stay Indoors.
• It was Such an interesting book That he couldn't put it down. OR It was so interesting a book That he couldn't put it down.
• She has Such exceptional Abilities That everyone is jealous of her.
• They are Such beautiful pictures Want That everybody will of one.
• Perry has Had Such bad luck That he's decided not to Gamble.
• This Is Such That Difficult homework I will of never finish it.
In addition, to reveal the relationship of cause and effect (cause and effect) can be used in other patterns, namely:
1. Using the Preposition (preposition) like Because of, due to, due to the fact that, etc.
• Because of the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home Because of the cold weather)
• Due to the cold weather, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the cold weather)
• Due to the fact That the weather was cold, We stayed home. (= We stayed home due to the fact That the weather was cold)
2. Using conjunctions (conjunction) as Because, since, now, that, as, as long as, inasmuch as
• Because he was sleepy, he Went to bed.
• Since he's not Interested in classical music, he decided not to go to the concert.
• As she Had nothing in particular to do, she Called up a friend and asked her if she wanted to take in a movie.
• Inasmuch as the two government leaders Could not reach an

Using transition words like therefore, consequently.
• Alex failed the test Because he Did not study.
• Alex Did not study. Therefore, he failed the test.
• Alex Did not study. Consequently, he failed the test.

Some can be changed into an adverb Clause Modifying Phrases by:
1) Eliminate the subject of the dependent Clause and the verb (be).
a. Adverb clause: While I was walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
b. Modifying phrase: While walking to class, I ran into an old friend.
2) If the Clause does not exist be an adverb, hilangkanlah change the subject and verb in the adverb Clause-ing it into shape.
a. Adverb clause: Before I left for work, I ate breakfast.
b. Modifying phrase: Before Leaving for work, I ate breakfast.
Clause adverb can be converted into Modifying Phrase Clause if the subject of the adverb and the subject of playing the same Clause.
1. Can be changed
• While I was sitting in class, I fell asleep BECOME While sitting in class, I fell asleep.
• While Ann was sitting in class, she fell asleep BECOME While sitting in class, Ann Fell asleep.
• Since Mary Came to this country, she has made many friends BECOME Since coming to this country, Mary has made many friends.
2. Can not be changed
• While the teacher was lecturing to the class, I fell asleep.
• While We Were walking home, a frog hopped across the road in front of us.

7. Clause of Condition
Clause which shows the requirements between the two events (events) are related. Usually made by using conjunctions like if, even if, unless, in the event that, or in the event that, in case, provided (that), Providing (that), on condition that, if only, suppose (that), supposing ( that), etc..
• If I see uterus, I will from uterus invite to the party tomorrow.
• She Would forgive her husband everything, if only he Would come back to her.
• Suppose (that) your house burns down, do you have insurance to cover Enough Such a loss.
• In case a Robbery occurs in the hotel, the management must be Notified at once.
• The company will from agree to arbitration on condition (that) the strike is Called off at once.
• We Should Be Able to do the job for you Quickly, provided (that) you give us all the Necessary information.

New! Click the words above to view alternate translations.

1. bima's blog
SENIN, 28 MARET 2011
Adverbial clause
An adverbial clause is a clause that functions as an adverb. In other words, it contains a subject (explicit or implied) and a predicate, and it modifies a verb.
• I saw Joe when I went to the store. (explicit subject I)
• He sat quietly in order to appear polite. (implied subject he)
According to Sidney Greenbaum and Randolph Quirk, adverbial clauses function mainly as adjuncts or disjuncts. In these functions they are like adverbial phrases, but due to their potentiality for greater explicitness, they are more often like prepositional phrases (Greenbaum and Quirk,1990):
• We left after the speeches ended. (Is it an adverbial clause, adverbial phrase, or prepositional phrase?)
• We left after the end of the speeches.(Is it an adverbial clause, adverbial phrase, or prepositional phrase?)
Contrast adverbial clauses with adverbial phrases, which do not contain a clause.
• I like to fly kites for fun.

Kinds of adverbial clauses

kind of clause: time clauses
common conjunctions: when, before, after, since, while, as, as long as, until,till, etc. (conjunctions that answer the question "when?"); hardly, scarcely, no sooner, etc.
function: These clauses are used to say when something happens by referring to a period of time or to another event.
example: Her father died when she was young.

kind of clause: conditional clauses
common conjunctions: if, unless
function: These clauses are used to talk about a possible situation and its consequences.
example: If they lose weight during an illness, they soon regain it afterwards.

kind of clause: purpose clauses
common conjunctions: in order to, so that, in order that
function: These clauses are used to indicate the purpose of an action.
example: They had to take some of his land so that they could extend the churchyard.

kind of clause: reason clauses
common conjunctions: because, since, as, given
function: These clauses are used to indicate the reason for something.
example: I couldn't feel anger against him because I liked him too much.

kind of clause: result clauses
common conjunctions: so..that
function: These clauses are used to indicate the result of something.
example: My suitcase had become so damaged on the journey home that the lid would not stay closed.

kind of clause: concessive clauses
common conjunctions: although, though, while
function: These clauses are used to make two statements, one of which contrasts with the other or makes it seem surprising.
example: I used to read a lot although I don't get much time for books now.

kind of clause: place clauses
common conjunctions: where, wherever, anywhere, everywhere, etc. (conjunctions that answer the question "where?")
function: These clauses are used to talk about the location or position of something.
example: He said he was happy where he was.

kind of clause: clauses of manner
common conjunctions: as, like, the way
function: These clauses are used to talk about someone's behaviour or the way something is done.
example: I was never allowed to do things the way I wanted to do them.

kind of clause: clauses of exclamation
common conjunctions: what a(an), how, such, so
function: Exclamations are used to express anger, fear, shock, surprise etc. They always take an exclamation mark (!).
example: What horrible news! How fast she types! You lucky man!

Kamis, 24 Februari 2011
artikel -contoh contoh adverbial clause
Types of Clauses
A clause is a group of words that contains a subject and verb (predicate). This differs from a phrase, which does not have a subject and a verb, like “to the park.” Clauses can be independent or dependent. Independent clauses are called sentences as they can stand alone and express a complete thought.
Dependent clauses, or subordinate clauses, are subordinate to something else, usually an independent clause, and depend on it for meaning. Here are some examples with the dependent clause underlined:
Because he has a college degree, he was given a great job.
When the storm started, she was at the store.
Bob wore the coat that I gave him.
You can see that each underlined clause cannot stand on its own, but needs a clause to help it make sense or to help it complete a thought.
What Is an Adverb Clause?
Adverb clauses are clauses that function as adverbs. Since they are dependent clauses, they must have a subordinating conjunction to connect them to the other clause. Subordinating conjunctions can be arranged according to the purpose of the clause they begin. Here are some examples of subordinating conjunctions:
Time: after, when, until, soon, before, once, while, as soon as, whenever, by the time
Condition: if, whether or not, provided, in case, unless, even if, in the event
Cause and effect: because, as, since, so, in order that, now that, inasmuch as
Contrast: though, although, while, whereas, even though
Most of the time, an adverb clause will be separated from the other clause with a comma. Here are a few examples of sentences with and without commas:
Whether you like it or not, you have to go. (The adverb clause “Whether you like it or not” puts a condition on the action.)
She enjoyed the party more than he did. (The adverb clause 'than he did' modifies the adverb “more”.)
Functions of Adverbs
Since adverb clauses function as adverbs, let’s look at the functions of adverbs. Adverbs modify verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. They tell why, when, where, how, how much, and how often an action occurs. They can begin a sentence that is a question, and give more information. Here are some examples according to what the adverb is modifying:
Verbs: We eat pizza weekly. She watched the wild animal carefully.
Adjectives: That is a very nice person. The dog is extremely hyperactive.
Adverbs: She sings quite beautifully. My dog is almost always starving.
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Examples of Adverb Clauses
Adverb clauses can modify by telling the place, time, cause, and purpose of an action. They can also show concession and condition. Basically they answer the questions: Where?, when?, why?, and under what conditions? Here are some examples with the adverb clause underlined:
Place: Wherever there is music, people will often dance. Let’s go to the room where they asked us to wait.
Time: After the chores are done, we will eat ice cream. When the clock strikes midnight, she has to leave.
Cause: She passed the course because she worked hard. Since he has long hair, he wears a ponytail.
Purpose: So that he would not ruin the carpet, he took off his shoes. He ate vegetables in order to stay healthy.
Concession: Even though you are 13, you can’t go to that movie. Although you gave it your best, you did not win the match.
Condition: If you save some money, you can buy a new game. Unless you hurry, you will be late for school.
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Weather Jakarta

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Flooding is the setting of the mainland by water events.
As we know the Indonesian territory of one region often hit by floods.
Including territory capital city, Jakarta. Floods that occur could last up to several days. Flood problem is very concerned citizen of Indonesia.

The cause of flooding that occurred in our region are many ...
among others:
Illegal logging
Disposal of household garbage that is not in place
Construction of water channels which are not eligible
consequently floods inundate even easier for our areas.

due to the flooding include:
Damage to residential
Difficult to find clean water
Damage to infrastructure and facilities residents
Damage to agricultural areas
The emergence of various diseases.
As for how to cope with this flood in my opinion are:
Government pay more attention to areas prone to flooding, and to find ways to menangulanginya.
Development of more water channels in the notice.
Disposal of waste in place.
Improvement of river flow.

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Liver injury
Without there because it's over
You walk away and it's over
Ends ....
Now I'm alone without you by my side
I hope this is the best for me
For your ...

When you said word separation
Do you know this feeling melancholy?
With no remorse you still choose to go
I'm sad ....

Only one asked me
Do not come back to me
Go ... go is to selamnya
Bahagialah with him
Leave the wounded hearts left behind ...

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While vacationing with friends is an interesting experience for me.
We all feel happy to be on holiday together. Place we are going is a lake tour of Lake Toba. There we enjoy the beautiful blue lake, and enjoy the crowds of people are on vacation.
At that time I and my friends have agreed to cross the lake to the island of Samosir.
For the cross we have to ride on the ferry. On the ferry we can also enjoy the beauty of the lake, because of the ferry we can look at the flat lake surface.
Arriving at the island of Samosir, we menujun attractions such as traditional houses, tombs of kings and other unique places of her.
The place is very historic, we are all seriously listen to a short story about the history of the island of Samosir.
We are all happy, do not forget we also shop for souvenirs to take home cendramata.
The price is cheap, so we can shop a lot.
Because it was already afternoon, we all agreed to swim are accompanied by the beautiful sun began to sink.
We face beaming, all take advantage of that short time.
Chase each other, each flush, sit back, play is the activity voly water while swimming.
It was time to return to the inn, no one who does not feel good.
We enjoy dinner a la Samosir Island, originally of friends did not like the food.
But, after menyicipi even addicted friends ... hee .... heee ...
After dinner I also invite your friends to light a bonfire.
Good idea!
The fire was lit, we all sat in a circle. There are plays guitar and other friends sang.
Occasionally we also rotate holding hands around a fire.
That night a beautiful night, night full of memories.
After the event selasai, we go back to their rooms, the rooms also confide in one another.
Morning came around, we move on from sleep.
To enjoy the fresh air, we chose to surround Samosir island by bicycle.
We are all cycling with a happy heart, we also stop when they have a unique place.
Experience the fun.
For a moment we rest in a small shop located in a beautiful place. We do not miss this moment. We take pictures with a variety of many happy expressions.
After that we returned to the inn for the packing-packing of goods.
Because we had to get home, do not miss the ferry.
Arriving at Lake Toba, we again used the time. We take pictures with the tourist and historic statues.
The most makes me happy is when we enjoy the beauty of the lake, a friend of mine told me love.
At first I did not expect, but it's real. I was embarrassed because so many people watch.
Because I also love, I also accept his love.
We all go home with happy hearts, all along with each other.
Truly a wonderful experience.
It's an interesting experience for me, really lovely to be remembered.
I'm happy.

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Gunadarma kampuz impian qu,,
banyak hal yang aqu suka dari kampuz qu nech..
salah satu nya, akreditasnya sudah mendapat 'A'...
selain itu juga fasilitas-fasilitas gunadarma yang di sukai banyak mahasiswa,,
antara lain, internet lounch yang bisa qt manfaatkan
perpustakaan yang aman,ruang kelas yang bersih, gak ketinggalan juga gazebo tempat kita-kita ngumpul,,banyak pepohonan....!!
kalo tentang pelajaran nya sih TOP juga,,dosen-dosen yang selalu nge suport mahasiswanya untuk tetap semangat belajar..
lumayan sech,,semester pertama aqu dapat nilai lumayan..
selain itu juga, banyak juga seminar yang ada di kampuz qu ne,,
jadi kita bisa memperoleh banyak sertifikat serta pelajaran tambahan,,
pokok nya gunadarma the best dech,,,,!!!
Gunadarma juga terkenal dengan IT nya yang super-super canggih..
makanya bisa peringkat 4 di Indonesia,
Gunadarma juga menyediakan fasilitas wifi untuk seluruh mahasiswa nya..
selalu memberikan yang terbaik untuk mahasiswa nya.
selain itu, teman-teman di gunadarma juga sik-asik, selalu mendukung satu sama lain..!!
emang sih kadang -kadang ada teman yang nyebalin,,pe cuek aza lah,,
itu lah pergaulan,,,! pinter2 bergaul lah,,
Gedung kampuz gunadarma juga banyak, ada di depok,di kalimalang, kelapa dua, salemba..pokonya top abis dech...
Di Gunadarma juga menawarkan banyak beasiswa bagi mahasiswa yang berprestasi n yang tidak mampu, jadi gakda alasan bwt bermalas-malasan bwt kuliah...
itu lah Gunadarma, selalu memberi yang terbaik bwt mahasiswa nya...

kalo soal praktikum, aqu gakda masalah,
sampai saat ne masih asik2 aza,, kakak2 asisten juga baeq2,,
keamanan di Gunadarma juga bisa di acungkan jempol..
satpam2 nya baeq2 koq...
pokok nya luph for GUNADARMA!!!!!!!
Satu harapan terpenting aqu,, bisa lulus dari kampuz ne dengan nilai yang bagus,,
kalo bisa dapat beasiswa S2,,,,
GUNADARMA LUPH U FULLLL.............!!!!!!!!

NPM : 16210772

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Nama : Syahnia Manurung
Kelas : 1ea03
npm : 16210772
Sertifikat sebagai peserta seminar KEFARMASIAN
di : auditorium kampus FMIPA UHAMKA,Jakarta
waktu : sabtu, 18 Desember 2010

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*Guru : “Anak anak, Indonesia terletak antara dua samudra dan dua…?”
Murid : “Benuaaaa….!”
Guru : “Salah ! Yang benar Indonesia terletak diantara dua samudra dan dua duanya amatlah dalam…!”
Guru : “Sekarang flora dan fauna. Kalau akan paus binatang mamalia , buaya binatang reptilia, kambing binatang herbivora. Sedangkan macan adalah binatang….?”
Mudrid : “Carnivora !”
Guru : “Kalian ini memang bodoh ….Macan adalah binatang yang amat menakutkan…!”
Murid : ?????? :-/

*ketika itu Saroso duduk di kelas 1 SMP. Sampailah pelajaran Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam, dan gurunya menanyakan siapa yang menemukan listrik. Karena tak seorangpun murid menjawab,
Saroso memberanikan diri untuk menjawab.
Saroso : Oh, kalau itu saya tahu bu, itu pasti Thomas Alva Edison
Bu guru : Agak jengkel ibu guru bertanya , Mengapa tidak dari tadi kamu
menjawabnya, padahal kamu bisa.
Saroso : Saya masih bingung bu??, kalau Thomas Alva Edison yang menemukan listrik. Trus siapa bu yang menghilangkan listiknya???

*Seorang lelaki dengan tergesa-gesa dan terburu-buru menyerobot masuk ke ruang bersalin, dan beberapa saat kemudian lelaki itu tampak keluar didorong memakai kursi roda oleh seorang suster karena pingsan. Sarman heran kenapa lelaki ini, karena penasaran Udin segera menghapiri beberapa dokter yang ada di ruang bersalin.
Sarman bertanya, “dok, boleh tahu kenapa lelaki yang baru datang tadi tiba tiba pingsan?”
Dengan tenang si dokter menjawab, “Oh itu dia terburu-buru datang kesini karena isterinya akan segera melahirkan, tapi dia lupa sesuatu,”
“Lupa apa, dok?” tanya Sarman lagi.
“Dia lupa membawa istrinya.” kata dokter. :-/

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NPM :16210772



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1. Bebek apa yang jalannya ke kiti terus?
*Bebek di kunci stang
2. Kenapa bebek goreng rasanya enak?
*Karena ada huruf ‘B’ nya. Coba kalo gak ada, siapa berani coba??
3. Kalo semua jenis hewan sekolah, siapa yang akan sering telat?
*Kluwing (kaki seribu), soalnya kakinya banyak. Jadi kalo pakai sepatu lama banget
4. Kenapa Superman bajunya pakai huruf S ??
*Soalnya kalo pake ukuran L atau M, kegedean…!!
5. Siapa wanita Indonesia yang paling kuat??
*Nyonya Mener…berdiri sejak tahun 1918
6. Apa beda matahari sama bulan??
*Kalo Matahari ada diskon, Bulan gak ada..
7. Kenapa di keyboard computer ada tulisan Enter??
*Iy la,, kalo tulisannya Entar, programnya gak jalan-jalan…
8. Daun apa yang gak bica disentuh??
9. Ular apa yang paling panjang?
*Ular lagi antri beras..
10. Dikupas kulitnya, ada bijinya. Di gigit bijinya, ada batangnya. Apakah itu

sumber : cerita sehari-hari

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